However, no significant difference in mortality found between remdesivir and placebo groups

No infection identified among surgeons following procedure; postoperative complications rarely seen

Combined MICT, HIIT intervention group had no difference in mortality versus recommended guidelines

Most older adults taking multiple medications have never had a comprehensive medication review

No reductions seen in 28-day mortality or duration of hospital stay in COVID-19 with lopinavir-ritonavir

No clinical benefit seen versus placebo for hospital-based health care workers exposed to patients with COVID-19

If enough people in the U.S. pass on vaccine, the nation may not be able to achieve herd immunity

MIS-A related to SARS-CoV-2 infection resembles MIS in children; respiratory symptoms often minimal

Agency says it is especially true in enclosed spaces with inadequate ventilation

Higher case fatality rates found to be independent of demographic factors, such as age, sex, and race