<p style="margin-left: 20px;">Progression-free survival significantly longer with tislelizumab plus chemotherapy versus chemotherapy alone

Adults aged 50 to 80 years with 20 pack-year smoking history who currently smoke or quit within last 15 years should be screened with low-dose CT

Validated machine-based learning model performs better than surgeons, radiologists, CADx for predicting malignancy

Cosela reduces the frequency of bone marrow suppression caused by chemotherapy for extensive-stage small cell lung cancer

Blacks more likely to present at advanced stage, less likely to receive surgery, have higher mortality at higher residential segregation levels

Findings seen despite the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force revised eligibility criteria

Once operations resumed, decrease seen in new patients screened, proportion of suspicious nodules increased

Current approval of the once-daily tablet indicated for patients who have undergone complete tumor removal

Increased risks persist beyond six months for patients with lung cancer receiving PD1i and with malignant melanoma receiving CTLA-4i<strong></strong>

Risk varies according to profile of the oral microbiota; risk lower with greater abundance of <em>Spirochaetia</em>, <em>Bacteroidetes</em>